Heckler rips microphone out of Greta Thunbergs hand during anti-Israel rant

Greta Thunberg interrupted by audience member on stage in Amsterdam

A heckler ripped a microphone from climate activist Greta Thunberg after she launched into an anti-Israel rant.

Ms Thunberg was attending the rally in Amsterdam, Netherlands, when she launched into a speech about Palestine.

In response, a heckler got up on stage and shouted: “I have come here for a climate demonstration, not a political view.”

Seconds later, the intruder was hustled off stage as Ms Thunberg started to shout: “No climate justice on occupied land!”

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Before the heckler interrupted her speech, Ms Thunberg had asked a Palestinian and Afghan woman on stage.

The Mail reported that she said: “As a climate justice movement, we have to listen to the voices of those who are being oppressed and those who are fighting for freedom and for justice.

“Otherwise, there can be no climate justice without international solidarity.”

It was after this that Ms Thunberg told the man repeatedly to calm down before she continued her speech.

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Ms Thunberg was in the Dutch city as thousands of people marched through the streets calling for action over climate change.

Following the march, organisers have claimed it was the biggest climate protest of its kind in the country.

In a statement after the event, they said: “This was the biggest klimaatmars [climate march] ever. More than 85,000 people took to the streets for climate and justice.”

Later, European politicians such as former climate chief of the European Union, Frans Timmermans addressed the crowd.

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In a statement, the Climate Crisis Coalition said: “We live in a time of crises, all of which are the result of the political choices that have been made. It has to be done and it can be done differently.”

The latest incident involving Ms Thunberg happened just three weeks after she attended a demonstration in London.

During her protest outside the Energy Intelligence Forum, she said: Behind these closed doors at the Oil and Money conference, spineless politicians are making deals and compromises with lobbyists from destructive industries – the fossil fuel industry.

“People all over the world are suffering and dying from the consequences of the climate crisis caused by these industries who we allow to meet with our politicians and have privileged access to. That is why we have to take direct action to stop this and to kick oily money out of politics.”

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