Diane Abbott loses plot over Lee Andersons f** off back to France comment

First asylum seekers arrive on Bibby Stockholm barge

Diane Abbott led a leftwing meltdown over Lee Anderson’s no nonsense comments telling illegal migrants who do not like the Bibby Stockholm barge they should “f*** off back to France.”

The row exploded as a leading charity with links to the Labour Party, Care4Calais, tried to block illegal migrants from being moved on board the barge.

But the attacks have helped bolster Mr Anderson’s hero status with one Conservative MP saying: “Shows he is doing something right.”

Ipswich Conservative MP Tom Hunt said: “The reality is Lee is just saying what the majority of the country are thinking.”

Dudley North MP Marco Longhi said: “If Lee’s comments are upsetting leftwing politicians who would have completely open borders for all, then he’s doing the right thing.”

Ms Abbott, a close ally of Jeremy Corbyn who as shadow Home Secretary opposed controls on migration, tweeted the comment was “a new low even for the Tories.”

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READ MORE: Lee Anderson tells anti-barge illegal migrants to ‘f*** off back to France’

She was a number of members of the hard left to take to social media to be outraged by the popular Conservative MP for Ashfield who is also deputy chairman of his party and a GB News host.

Phil Myers, who claims to be the founder of the Johnson Out Protests, said that Anderson was “True SCUM”.

Others demanded Lee Anderson was sacked or claimed it was proof there needed to be a general election.

The meltdown by leftwingers was similar to the one Mr Anderson provoked when he said the BBC “is a safe haven for perverts” during the Huw Edwards crisis.

At the time former BBC Jon Sopel and world affairs editor John Simpson both had rants about the outspoken Tory MP who came over from the Labour Party.

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But Mr Anderson’s comments today have also been applauded by many.

Brexiteer Lee Harris said: “Yet again, Lee Anderson saying what most people are thinking.”

Commentator Mayhar Tousi simply Tweeted: “Hero”.

Conservative commentator Chris Rose said that Anderson’s comments were “blunt, to the point and most important, correct.”

The government hopes to put 500 illegal migrants in the barge until their applications are processed.

The barge is a response to a growing number of illegal migrants coming over on small boats across the Channel.

By the beginning of July, 13,000 illegal migrants had come across the Channel in small inflatable boats, often at the hands of people smugglers and human traffickers to who they had paid thousands of pounds.

It is estimated that 52 illegal migrants are packed into each boat crossing in dangerous conditions.

Care4Calais said: “None of the asylum seekers we are supporting have gone to the Bibby Stockholm today as legal representatives have had their transfers cancelled.”

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